The results show that the larger the dynamic load, the greater the increase in the deformation of the roadway under the same static loading conditions. Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3-Dimensions (FLAC 3D) software is generally used to explore surrounding rock deformation and rock burst under different dynamic and static loads. The strength, stress transfer, deformation, and energy dissipation characteristics of the structure were researched.

A “strong-soft-strong” structural model was developed to guide the control of the surrounding rock. From the perspective of quantitative analysis of rock burst energy, the quantitative relationship between the roadway support system and rock burst energy can be systematically calculated, and a variety of support materials to reduce shock waves and absorb energy have been proposed. Correspondingly, rock bursts can be classified into nine types. The results show that the scheme has controlled the deformation of the roadway effectively and satisfied the safety and efficiency requirements of the mine.ĭifferent disturbance stresses, such as high/low and far/near field stresses, will lead to the occurrence of rock bursts. According to the spread and extension characteristics of fractures in the surrounding rock under repeated shock waves, new support materials and schemes were proposed and applied at the mine site. At the same time, the simulation analysed the evolution trend of the failure zone of the roadway roof and the fracture development area, which agreed well with the field tests. The damage to the roof was assessed based on the quantity of fractures. A numerical model as per UDEC Trigon logic was developed and calibrated using mine earthquake shock waves, during which a user-defined FISH function was adopted to document the quantity characteristics of fractures (i.e., shear-slip and tension). To fill this research gap, this paper presents comprehensive research on the failure and fracturing process of roadways affected by repeated shock waves using field tests and numerical analysis. Previous research on the propagation and attenuation of shock waves cannot explain well the failure mechanisms of the surrounding rock of the roadway under duplicated dynamic waves. The roadway is often seriously damaged by duplicated rock bursts. Rock burst is one of the most serious risks for underground coal mines, and the associated dynamic waves generally cause roof falls and large-scale shrinkage of the roadway.